Saturday, March 5, 2011

Not a City Girl

The hustle-bustle of city life is not for me, 
I want to sit under the cool shade of a willow tree.

Tired of the hum of technology,
I want people to search and find me.
Learn to wait for some time.

Disenchanted by city lights and streets that never sleep,
I want the night to serve my body and soul as respite.
Awake to the sound of a wind chime.

The hustle bustle of city life is not for me,
I want to hang clothes up on the line.

Captive inside the iron cage of money.
I want the wallet to escape my memory.
Free from the chains of slavery.

Sympathy fatigue is a messed up philosophy.
I want to give to those who ask and those who don't.
Repaint hearts with the colour of bravery.

The hustle-bustle of city life is not for me,
I want to sleep under the stars.

Lonesome when people are all around.
I want undivided attention in any conversation.
Retune ears to the sound of human voices.

Acquired reluctance to try new things.
I want the universe to teach me in immersion.
Disengage fear from choices.

The hustle-bustle of city life is not for me,
I want to have time just to be.

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