Sunday, February 20, 2011

A World Galvanized

With the world in revolution, hope is gripping my heart. I used to think that I would have to fight this battle alone; I am so relieved to see the millions of faces joining the cause of peace. Egypt and Tunisia have been successful in overthrowing the dictatorships toiling with the futures of their countries. In Bahrain, they are protesting for a different style of monarchy, one that does not consider itself above the law. They don’t want to overthrow the monarchy but want to welcome ordinary people with "royal" blood who see and understand the plight of citizens. Morocco and Yemen are protesting too. It’s the domino effect that started with one courageous person in Yemen who decided to set himself on fire because he’d rather burn himself to ashes than live under tyrannous rule. He inspired millions to go out on the streets and voice their opinions, demonstrate their power, march for change, and protest peacefully. He urged them to show the power of their citizenship and demand governments that respect their citizens. There are two common themes among the beatified chaos that has engulfed the Middle East: freedom and dignity. As we watch the people pen their own his/herstory and shape their future, we can only hope that these times of revolution do not turn into civil strife like in the past. I hope that we can learn from the histories of revolutions past and that we can see the toppling of regimes as a journey rather than a destination. I hope people everywhere do not let a sense of temporary relief set in unless and until constitutional and behavioural changes have taken place. I can smell the candle of peace burning, but the road ahead is still unpaved.

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